Parent Resources

It is very important to me to have open lines of communication with the parents of my students and to establish a partnership with them.  I value your questions, comments and concerns.  

I will be communicating with you weekly using resources such as:

     The Class Website- An online classroom that will serve as a valuable resource for you

     A Weekly Newsletter- This will come home every Friday.  It will highlight what we did in class over the week and will

     highlight what is coming up the following week as well as important dates and school activities.

     Remind- A text messaging application that allows me to send messages, photographs, and video

     E-mail- You can reach out personally by sending an e-mail

When parents are involved in their child's education it contributes to the success of the student.  Communication is an important factor in bringing teachers and parents together.

So where can you start? The following is a brief list of resources to help you engage with your child.